About MinionInvaders

Welcome to the official project page of MinionInvaders!

Minion Invaders is a stand-alone game basing on two famous games: "Space Invaders" and "League of Legends". In this game you will play Sona (a League of Legends character) in a Space Invaders environment.

The story to this game is short and simple: You are Sona - who is a support champion in League of Legends - and Lux - who is a mage champion in League of Legends - laughs about you because you are only a weak supporter. Time to change this: Level yourself up until you can defeat Lux!

After you have beaten Lux the story is over, but you can continue the game in survival mode to see how far you can get!

MinionInvaders can also be found on GitHub!


Download MinionInvaders

If you need help on starting the game, please check the readme.txt which is contained in the ZIP!
Please note that your machine requires Java in order to launch this game!

MinionInvaders 1.3.12Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.3.11Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.3.10Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.3.9Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.3.8Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.3.7Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.3.6Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.3.5Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.3.4Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.3.3Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.3.2Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.3.1Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.3.0Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.2.2Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.2.1Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.2.0Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.1.5Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.1.4Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.1.3Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.1.2Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.1.1Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.1.0Download ZIP
MinionInvaders 1.0.0Download ZIP



  • Fix: Some minor improvements
  • Updated native library files. This should especially fix crash causes


  • Change: Updated Sona's champion icon again to match the latest patch
  • Change: Polished some audio files to improve quality


  • Fix: Some people were unable to start the game properly
  • Change: Added "start.bat" as alternative way to start the game on Windows (if *.jar is not linked to Java)


  • Change: Updated some icons (including Sona's champion icon!)
  • Change: Updated the native libraries to improve stability and performance


  • New: Now Sivir has 15% lifesteal (applied on her autoattacks and the Q spell)
  • Change: Updated Lux' champion icon


  • Balance-Change: The global cooldown for the Q, W and E abilities has been reduced to 0.3s/0.5s/0.8s/1.0s (from 0.5s/0.8s/1.0s/1.2s) (depending on difficulty)
  • Balance-Change: The projectile speed of Sona's autoattacks has been increased to 450/425/400/375 (from 350,325,300,275) (depending on difficulty)
  • Balance-Change: The projectile speed of Hymn of Valor has been increased to 600/575/550/525 (from 500,475,450,425) (depending on difficulty)
  • Change: When powerchord gets ready the attacktimer will now be reset so you can use it immediately
  • Fix: A little tooltip error has been fixed


  • Fix: Minions in level 20 will no longer speed up more than intended
  • Fix: Sivir will no longer use abilities before the attack delay is over (first 0.5 seconds of a level)


  • Fixed a crash issue which occassionally happened in level 30 and 31


  • Updated native library files. This should especially fix crash causes


  • New: Solaris support!
  • Improved: The unlocked levels are now saved global; this means you won't lose your progress anymore when you update the game!
  • Change: Sona does now always reset her position to the center of the screen when starting a level (before she kept her x-position)
  • Some algorithm improvements and adjustments


  • Improved: Overhauled the missile animations to be more smooth
  • Improved: The setting wheels will now remember the previous selection when you return to the main menu
  • Fix: Abilities were unintentionally disabled in level 1 in survival mode
  • Fix: In pause menu ability icons don't get displayed twice anymore
  • Balance-Change: Adjusted the size of Lux's Q's hitbox (it's now smaller than before)


  • Fix: Fixed a crash cause that often occured on version 1.3.0


  • New: Story mode now goes up to level 31! After beating Lux in level 30 she will get help from Sivir to face you in a 2v1 in level 31!
  • Improved: Rewrote the core of the game. This was required in order to make it easier to add more content to the game in future (like Sivir within this version!)
  • Improved: Overhauled the ingame interface
  • Improved: Reworked many of the effect sprites
  • Improved: The projectiles of siege minions are now darker red to make them easier to see
  • Change: The "ezreal extra minions" can no longer shoot
  • Fix: Sona's health will no longer be displayed as max while dead
  • Fix: Lux's autoattack's projectile speed did not scale properly
  • Balance-Change: Changed Crescendo to only stun minions globally (other enemies will still be stunned if they get hit by Crescendo. This just prevents to stun all enemy champions globally)
  • Balance-Change: Lux will fire shots less often now (on all difficulties)
  • Balance-Change: Reduced the range of Flash to 125 (down from 150)
  • Balance-Change: Rebalanced Song of Celerity (now has procentual values instead of total values)
  • Balance-Change: Adjusted the size of Sona's hitbox (it's way smaller and more forgiving than before)
  • Several minor adjustments, improvements, changes and fixes


  • New: Added the summoner spells Heal and Flash with their descriptions to the pause menu
  • Change: The projectile speed of autoattacks, Hymn of Valor, Crescendo and Lux's Q now scale with the game difficulty (buffed for easy, slightly buffed for medium, no change for hard, slightly nerfed for legendary)
  • Change: The projectile speed of autoattacks, Hymn of Valor and Crescendo now have a cap (this does only affect high level survivals)
  • Change: Flash can only be used while Sona is moving (before it just went on cooldown with no real effect)
  • Balance-Change: Reduced the "blast time" of Lux's ultimate to 0.4s (down from 0.5s)


  • New: Sona has now a small green shield sprite while Diminuendo is active
  • New: The timers of Diminuendo and Tempo are now displayed above Sona while they're active
  • Fix: Under certain circumstances a death did count more than once
  • Fix: For some people the levels didn't unlock properly
  • Fix: Eliminated a typo
  • Balance-Change: Changed max autoattacks per second to 3 (down from 10) (this does only affect high level survivals)
  • Balance-Change: Reduced the "blast time" of Lux's ultimate to 0.5s (down from 1.0s)


  • New: Game mode selection! For now there are 2: Story and Survival
  • New: Difficulty selection! For now there are 4: Easy, Medium, Hard and Legendary (Medium is the difficulty that the game had before different difficulties were implemented)
  • New: Level selection! You need to unlock a level before you can select it
  • New: Summoner Spells! Sona has 2 new spells (additional to her abilities): Heal and Flash
  • Change: The ingame text displays are now colored according to the difficulty
  • Change: Pressing X while the game is paused will bring you back to the main menu
  • Fix: The ending text of the story mode was too wide for the display
  • Fix: Hitpoints are no longer displayed as zero before the game starts
  • Fix: Under certain circumstances it was possible to move Sona out of the game area by a few pixels
  • Balance-Change: Reduced the projectile speed of Lux's Q to 625 (down from 650)
  • Several minor improvements and fixes


  • Fix: Some texts were not displayed as intended
  • Fix: Some beauty fixes on the pause menu
  • Fix: Rounding issues in several formulas which came with version 1.1.4
  • Balance-Change: Reduced base cooldown of Hymn of Valor to 3.0s (down from 3.1s)
  • Balance-Change: Reduced base cooldown of Crescendo to 30.0s (down from 30.5s)
  • Balance-Change: Increased Crescendo's base stun duration to 1.0s (up from 0.9s)
  • Balance-Fix: The bonus damage of Staccato was lower than intended


  • Improved: Lux's AI should be less predictable now
  • Improved: Completely rewrote the algorithm to render texts; it should look way better now
  • Improved: Overhauled the display algorithm in order to support even more monitors
  • Change: Native libraries are now located in a subdirectory
  • Fix: Fixed a few potential crash causes


  • Improved: Reworked some sprites to make them match their hitboxes better
  • Fix: Lux's cooldowns will now be reset when the level restarts
  • Fix: Lux's shield will now be reset to zero when the level restarts
  • Fix: Under certain circumstances Lux stopped moving and did just let the player kill her
  • Balance-Change: Reduced Lux's movespeed while she is trying to dodge Sona's ultimate
  • Balance-Change: Increased Lux's autoattack damage by 5%
  • Balance-Change: Reduced the stun duration per level of Sona's ultimate to 0.075s (down from 0.1s)


  • Improved: Improved the AI of Lux: she will now try to dodge Sona's ultimate
  • Change: Canonminions now have their own sprites instead of only being recolored minions
  • Change: Rewrote the spell description of the powerchord Diminuendo to be more clear
  • Fix: The particle of Lux's shield will now disappear properly when the level restarts
  • Balance-Change: Increased the cooldown of Lux's shield spell to 7.5s (up from 5.0s)
  • Balance-Change: Increased Lux's firerate by roughly 9%


  • New: Added a visible powerchord counter
  • Change: Minions and Lux will now wait 0.5 seconds before they can fire shots or use abilities
  • Balance-Change: Increased normal minion's maximum shot angle to 10° (up from 9°)
  • Balance-Change: Reduced red minion's maximum shot angle to 22° (down from 30°)
  • Balance-Change: Minions do now come closer 20% slower than before (less distance per step)


  • New: Added cooldown timers to show the cooldown of Sona's abilities
  • Improved: Song of Celerity's particle will now last for the full duration of the active movespeed bonus
  • Improved: Reworked the hitbox of Lux's ultimate to be more accurate
  • Fix: Lux's life won't be shown below zero anymore after you defeated her
  • Fix: The particles of Aria of Perseverance and Song of Celerity won't be displayed anymore while the game is paused
  • Balance-Change: Reduced normal minion's maximum shot angle to 9° (down from 18°)
  • Balance-Change: Increased red minion's maximum shot angle to 30° (up from 18°)
  • Balance-Change: Red minions now have a slightly higher chance to shoot than normal minions
  • Balance-Change: Increased the projectile speed of Lux's Q to 650 (up from 600)
  • Minor improvements to some algorithms
  • Fixed a typo in the readme


  • First official released version


This is the the main menu screen:

This is the starting screen of the story mode:

This is an ingame screenshot of a minion level:

This screenshot is a sneak peak of the fight versus Lux in level 30:

In version 1.3.0 Sivir entered the battlefield! Take a sneak peak:

More information

About the game difficulty...

This game is starting off very simple but gets very difficult in the higher levels. Especially the final fight versus Lux may take you several attempts and some time, but it should be possible if you don't give up too fast. Don't forget to use all your abilities wisely, then you should succeed. I wanted to make it a challenge that satifies you when you finally win it. So keep trying, Lux infact is beatable! Nobody said that a supporter would have an easy time beating a mage ;)

How long did it take me to create the game?

I had no plan about making this game. One evening with nothing to do I just went like 'Hey, I make a game now!' and so I did. I did spend pretty much all the time of the next 7 days on it, then I the game was almost finished. After that I used some additional days for a closed beta testing phase and some minor updates and fixes. Basically I wanted to see how far I can go within one week of game developing. I must also say that I never created any game before. Considering that, I'm quite happy with the result.

Why did I choose Sona as main character for the game?

Well, actually that wasn't even my decision. I just asked my friend Sven like 'Hey, tell me a ranged LoL champion and I'm gonna make a game of it' and he replied 'Sona'.

Do I play League of Legends?

Well, yeah. Otherwise I wouldn't make a fanproject about it, right? If you wonder where you find me in League of Legends: I have accounts with the summonername "Linnun" on EU-WEST aswell as on NA servers. However, I usually only use my EU-WEST account, so if you really want to contact me over LoL, EU-WEST servers are the way to go.

Feedback & Donations

All this game was made in my sparetime and I did it without any gains, so if you'd like to support me, you're welcome for it. Contact me to talk about the details. You can also send feedback and suggestions, please visit the contact section!


If you want to contact me, simply send me a mail to: minioninvaders@danielfigge.net